4.19 | Monetize Your Podcast with Angie Jordan
>> Isha Vela: Welcome to Devotional Anarchy, a podcast about intimate, embodied leadership that is radically human, honest af, and thereby inherently disruptive to systems of disempowerment and disconnection. I’m Isha Vela, trauma psychologist, certified somatic practitioner, wealth wizard, licensed financial professional, leadership coach, and intuitive business mentor. You’re here because, you know, self intimacy and self knowledge is the source of everything you want to create in your life. And that building safety and trust in your body is what allows you to fully own and store your energy in the direction of your desires. This season, get ready for deep dives into wealth building spirituality, emotional leadership, and human centered business with an activist twist. The conversations and tools shared in this podcast are your permission slip to manifest a life and business that lights your soul on fire and supports collective liberation.
Angie Jordan helps you make your podcast part of your marketing and growth strategy
Are you ready to be a fly on the wall to my podcast audit? So, you may know Angie Jordan, who is the queen of making your podcast part of your marketing and growth strategy. She agreed to come on my podcast and do a live audit. And, yes, we looked at my numbers, which was super vulnerable, and it really felt like, yep, it’s my turn to be in that hot seat. And in this episode, I wanted you to come away with some specific strategies you can apply immediately in order to shorten the distance between someone, you know, a prospective client, listening to your podcast and then becoming a paying client who works with you. So, Angie goes over some of the common mistakes people make when starting a podcast and what to do instead so that you can monetize it versus it being like a side hustle you do alongside your business. All right, so let’s dive in. Angie, welcome to the podcast. I’m so excited to have you here because we’re talking all things podcasting. And, I’ve been following you for. For several years, but sort of from a distance. And just recently, we kind of came into a, you know, with this. With Brijette summit. We sort of came into the same space, and I was like, oh, this is my opportunity to reach out and make more contact. And I asked you for a specific. To come on for a specific task, which is to basically audit my podcast, which feels very vulnerable right now.
>> Angie Jordan: That’s so exciting. I love that you. I love that you’re open to this, because I. And I do have to tell you that I am very, not only am I very off the cuff with, like, how I do, how I run my business, but I am very honest. And so I’m going to just be honest.
>> Isha Vela: Yes. Just give it to me.
>> Angie Jordan: Yeah. I’m going to give it to you straight.
>> Isha Vela: Okay. All right, cool. Yeah. So I’ve had my podcast since, November or December of 2020, and it was really born out of this desire to really put myself out there in a bigger way and off of social media. But admittedly, I have not really been super strategic about it until a little bit more recently. And I’m not even sure that I’m hitting all the points, let’s say.
>> Angie Jordan: Yeah.
What do you most desire your podcast to do for you and your business
Okay, so, let’s start off. And this would be where I would start with anyone when it comes to their podcast, is what is it? And. And you’ve been doing this for a while, but what is it that you want that you most desire your podcast to do for you and your business?
>> Isha Vela: I feel like it’s a place where I want people to get to know me on a very deeply intimate and personal level, like, to really know my heart. That doesn’t come through my writing on social media, really. I want them to know, like, the essence of me so that their decision to work with me very easy and that they’re already warmed up also when they come into my. Into any sort of coaching container with me.
>> Angie Jordan: Yeah. Okay. So do you feel like it’s accomplishing that?
>> Isha Vela: It does. It does to some degree, but I don’t think, as it really. It’s like, yes. And I can improve upon it. Like, people definitely come into working with me and say, oh, I loved your podcast episode, or I decided to work with you based on this podcast episode that you said or that you shared. And, you know, so I know that people are listening. but I don’t think that the pipeline is as. It’s, like, maybe a little clogged in some places, let’s say.
>> Angie Jordan: Yeah. Okay. Okay, awesome.
Consistency is important when it comes to, uh, podcasting
So, we. Let’s get into, like, looking at some of your numbers, and then we will look at, And then we’ll kind of talk about some things that. Some opportunities and some ways that you can, you know, increase your listenership or actually monetize this thing and get it to be a lot more intentional, because that’s what it kind of sounds like you’re wanting, which feels like a good place, you know? You got it. You’re, like, pretty consistent. You’re pretty consistent, right? From what I look, yeah.
>> Isha Vela: like, consistency is, like, I’m the consistency queen. Like, I. Yes. I show up every two weeks. I’m here. Right. I’m, like, dropping another episode. Yeah.
>> Angie Jordan: Okay, good, good. Because consistency is important when it comes to, podcasting.
You have to start looking at your podcast metrics to define success
Okay. So let’s share your screen. And first, I want you to go into, like, go into your host so you can go into the back end of Libsyn.
>> Isha Vela: Okay. All right.
>> Angie Jordan: And I’ll kind of show you some things, about what you can even be looking at when it comes to defining your, you know, quote unquote success, that kind of thing.
>> Isha Vela: Yes.
>> Angie Jordan: Okay, so that’s your dashboard. Go into the stats. So before this even, like, all the way loads, can you give me, like, a what’s your average downloads that you get per episode? Kind of thing? Like, do you know that off the top of your head?
>> Isha Vela: I never look at the numbers. I mean, I’m like. And this is so ironic, because, like, I’m always telling people to look at their financial numbers, and here I am, like, not looking at my stats numbers.
>> Angie Jordan: Okay, well, that. That is step one for everybody, just FYI, is you have to start. You have to start looking, because just, like, you know, like, with financial. And looking at those numbers, if you don’t know what you’re currently producing, then you’re. You have no benchmark to even. To know what’s working, what’s not working, that kind of thing.
>> Isha Vela: Okay, fabulous. Let’s do it. Okay, where do I find that number?
>> Angie Jordan: Okay, you’re good. Go down to the last five episodes.
>> Isha Vela: Okay, here we are.
>> Angie Jordan: Okay, so, in Libsyn, not every podcast host has this handy dandy metric that. But I really enjoy it in Libsyn, it’s the first seven day downloads. So you see that down there on your episodes?
>> Isha Vela: Yes.
>> Angie Jordan: The little greenish blue. Yeah, that one will tell you. And so what is that for? Like, let’s just look at the ones that are right here. Just hover over them so we could see first seven days. 34.
>> Isha Vela: 30. 29, 34, 32.
>> Angie Jordan: Okay, perfect. So a good exercise for you to do. And so what this number. And the reason why I like this number tells me. It tells me that that is. And if you take a good pool of it, maybe, I don’t know, a two week pool of those. How many episodes you’re getting and get it average, how, many downloads you’re getting on those in the first seven days. What this tells me is how many people are. Are pretty much, like, your core audience listening. Cause those people are the ones who are, like, come in every way. You’re really consistent. So they’re coming every week. They’re coming to see what your new things are. They’re getting the notifications that are on your. On your, you know, on their phone and they’re like, okay. And so those are gonna be kind of like your active pool of listeners. So that, like, go ahead. Like, we can just assume. And we can just assume it’s somewhere around 30, you know, 32, whatever. And so that would be something that you would need to mark now. And then in a month, we can. You can go back and do sort of the same thing and see if that number is increasing or not.
>> Isha Vela: Yes. Okay.
>> Angie Jordan: So that is a metric that I like. If you don’t have that metrics, because some hosts do not have that metric. Scroll, back up. Go back up to the top. maybe it’s in your. Go to your dashboard so it doesn’t tell you in Libsyn. It’s so, like, all of these are all completely different. So what I would be looking at in other hosts would be, you could look at your unique listeners, which I enjoy looking at unique listeners versus downloads, because downloads, I don’t know if you know this, but your downloads mean, when someone comes and follows your show that, like, most phone settings have it set, especially on Apple have it set where every time a new episode comes out, it counts it as a download on that person’s phone. It’ll download onto your phone, but that doesn’t mean you listen to it.
>> Isha Vela: Got it. Yes.
>> Angie Jordan: So, if there is a. If you have a host where you’re seeing both of those numbers, I would always look at my unique listeners, because that tells you also not just how many times your episode was played. Cause maybe it’s played more than one time by the same person that gives you a good pull of who is actually listening, right?
>> Isha Vela: Yes.
>> Angie Jordan: So that’s something to check. And so the other thing you could do, too, is you could look at this monthly number, 77. You can look at that monthly number, and that could be something that you track as well.
>> Isha Vela: Okay.
>> Angie Jordan: And when you’re talking about, like, podcast analytics, I mean, you’re really not wanting to track more than, like, even once a month is. Is a lot. You may not need to track once a month. You may just, like, do once a quarter.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Angie Jordan: And that might give you a better picture. It depends on. Because, I mean, it just takes longer to get back information. It’s not like social media. You post something, and then you get that instant feedback. Sometimes it just takes a little bit longer.
I would start looking at your numbers once a month or every quarter
So I would say once a month, maybe, but you’d be okay every other month or every quarter. Like, looking at your numbers, since you don’t look at them a lot. I would maybe just start doing it like that. And I would look at that for you. I would look at this seven day, download number and get that average and see how that, after we talk about some things, maybe you can implement. Let’s see how that number changes.
>> Isha Vela: Okay. Okay. And, I guess my next question is, is that okay if I stop sharing?
>> Angie Jordan: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, you can stop.
A lot of podcasting companies need a new launch to encourage listenership
>> Isha Vela: my next question would be, you know, given, given my numbers, right. They’re not particularly high. How could I? I’ve seen other people do like, launches with their podcasts. I’ve never done anything like that. I’ve done sort of a more organic invitation to like, hey, if this is, if this is was helpful to you, share it with a friend, that kind of thing. But it’s never been sort of a more strategic kind of getting it out there more. How would you suggest.
>> Angie Jordan: So, a lot of times, if you’re in this place that you’re in like this, and what I will suggest to people is to do sort of like a new launch. So like a new season. Like, let’s come out with something fresh and new. Is it a new series that we could do? Series perform really well in podcasts, by the way. So putting these series together would be something that you could come out with that would help to encourage listenership. Let’s say you, you know, have something coming up in your business that you’re selling and maybe you’re doing like I always do. like next month I’m doing something called podcast Week. And so for podcast week, I, and I did it for private podcast. I had private podcast week, but for podcast week, I’m going to, it’s going to be in my group and I. But I create a private podcast for it. But I may not, I may do it on my public podcast, but it’s.
>> Isha Vela: Oh, I just lost your sound.
>> Angie Jordan: Hold on.
>> Isha Vela: Now I got you again.
>> Angie Jordan: Ok. Ok.
>> Isha Vela: So you said you were. You may do it on your private podcast or your public one.
>> Angie Jordan: Yeah. So like you can go through and create sort of like a companion to a masterclass or event, Orlando launch event or something like that. On your public, on your public pod or some kind of series that is like really relevant. Like, what are people going through right now? What is it that, like, finger on the pulse of your audience? What do they really need? and turning it into kind of like you would think about doing a masterclass or launch event or something and incorporate your podcast into that. You could do something like that. You could do something where you stop take a pause and maybe you’re creating a new season or you’re refreshing your podcast, or there’s a rebrand that you might want to do, doing sort of a rebrand and refreshing some content or refreshing your cover photo, things like that, and stopping, and then you can generate buzz around some of this, the newness of your podcast. This is why I do, I do really like when people do seasons.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Angie Jordan: Because it’s a great opportunity to be able to, like, reengage your audience.
>> Isha Vela: Yes, yes. And I’ve had, like, you know, based on my own, even not just evolution in my business, but my personal evolution. I’ve been, like, I remember, like, one season was about relationships, about, like, intimacy and embodiment and relationships, and then I’m just like, yeah, I’m not doing that anymore. I’m moving on to money or whatever it is, and it really sort of fit within the seasons, you know, and I, some people have followed me throughout all of those changes and all the, you know, but I really, I feel like, yes, I’m really wanting to focus on money and money from a specific perspective. But yes, I do feel like there is a, I want to change the name of my podcast, but I don’t really, nothing has come up yet, you know, like something that feels more punchy and relevant to what I’m talking about.
>> Angie Jordan: Yeah. And that’s the thing. Like, this could be, and that could be what you do and, just depending on what is actually going on in your business. And so here’s the thing about making this work for your business, which is really my thing that I do and that I’m really passionate about, because you’re super consistent. But, a lot of people struggle with consistency, and the biggest reason that we struggle with it is because you’re not getting any return from what you’re doing. And so in order to see the quickest return, in order to make this feel like it’s worthwhile doing, you have to really incorporate it into what you’re doing in your business and making it work for your business in every way possible and really maximizing every way possible. The more you can do that, the more you’re going to feel like you’re getting a return regardless of whether you have a client coming from it or not, because you’re using this in, like, this long form content kind of as the anchor for all of your content creation. So the result is you’re maximizing this content in so many different ways. So I’ll give you an example, like, so from your podcast yeah. because you have quite a few episodes. Do you know how many episodes you have?
>> Isha Vela: this is my fourth season, and I have a lot per season, so about, like, 70.
>> Angie Jordan: You have a lot. Yeah. So what I would. What I would. Something that you can do is you can go in here in your old episodes, and again, I’m all about, let’s maximize what you have already created. And so you have an episode that is about.
You talked several episodes about money in your podcast. And so, uh, this is an opportunity
Because you do. You do have a lot of range of what you talk about in here. yeah.
>> Isha Vela: First season was just interviewing entrepreneurs and talking about, like, how their trauma healing contributed to their, like, what they decided to do for their business and their business model.
>> Angie Jordan: Yeah. So I’m looking here, like, in your season three, you talked several episodes about money.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Angie Jordan: And so, this is an opportunity where you could take, I don’t know, three of those episodes or so. Right. And you could group those episodes together as a training or as, like, this mini training. Put it on your website, and it’s like, how to master the energetics of money. Write your blog post. Here’s three steps. Step one that pertains to this episode. You embed your episode in there. You talk, you have your little blurb about it. Embed your episode. Step two, this is this about this, you know, part about mastering money here. Embed the episode, whatever. So it becomes like a little training for people. And what you can do is from your social media, and when you’re sharing your podcast, you can start to share it in a way that just is much more meaningful to the people who may want to come. Because you’re saying, hey, if you want to master the energetics of your money, click here. Here you go. It’s three episodes broken down. It’s like using it as a training for people. This will help with your SEO of your podcast. And it’s also like, like I said, dual purpose. We want to maximize your efforts for what you’re doing. And so we’re going to put those together. So if you’re on maybe during the week, you decide every week on instagram, you’ll share, hey, I have this free training. Master your energetics around money. And so you’ll share that in addition to sharing, you know, whatever episode happened that week. Right. And so it’s just a better way to share, and it’s a way to come in and where people will understand and get value. And if you can get people to listen to three episodes or five episodes on your podcast, like, that’s really warming those people up. Like, that’s really good retention if people are feeling like they’re getting this value.
One thing that I always have my clients do when they have podcasts is maximize content
So that’s like, one thing that I always have my clients do when they have, like, long standing podcasts because they have all this content sitting here. So how do we, how do we maximize it? So is there other episodes? and I know whenever I’m teaching my clients to create their seasons, part of my framework includes, like, that very first episode being really about, like, their mission and what they are, like, what this is about and what these people are going to get and why they should listen, whatever. that is sometimes a really good episode to have in a welcome sequence for your email. So if you have this episode, that’s all about you, what you believe, the polarizing things that you stand for. And when someone is introduced to your world through some sort of freebie out there, the next email becomes this email that, like you said, you want people to build, like, you want to build these relationships and people to get to know you. Well, this is a beautiful way to. Now they’re actually getting to know you. And so it’s, it. You don’t have to make up something completely different because you’re maximizing your content.
>> Isha Vela: Yes.
>> Angie Jordan: And then you’re bringing people into your podcast. So it works in so many different ways. And so that’s the key. And that’s what I’m always wanting people to sort of see and set their podcast up in that way. I’ve even had where if you’re in the middle of, or you have like a signature course, or framework or something that you, like, a signature program, do podcast episodes about the objections that people have joining your program.
>> Isha Vela: When.
>> Angie Jordan: People ask you questions, you can point back to the podcast episode. You could put the podcast episode on your sales page.
>> Isha Vela: Oh, wow, that’s amazing. Yes.
>> Angie Jordan: So it’s just thinking about it differently instead of like, how a lot of people think about it, which is. I just got to find a topic for this week to talk about. Like, let’s make it a little bit more, meaningful.
If you want to convert someone directly from your podcast into your program
So, going forward, if your goal in the next 90 days is that you want to convert someone directly from your podcast into your program, if you want to do that, how are you being intentional? What content needs to be created in order for you to do that? What needs to be set up on the back end? How do you do that? Is that one of your goals? Do you want to do that?
>> Isha Vela: Yeah, I want to do that.
>> Angie Jordan: Do you want to do that?
I have a wealth mentorship called wealth. And it is seven sessions with me
Okay, so, so what is your thing that you would want to sell.
>> Isha Vela: I have a. I have this, this basically, this one on one money mentorship called wealth. And it is seven sessions with me. It is, you know, basically it’s ancestral healing. It is also. It also includes, a course where people can do actual practical exercises, somatics. there’s magical practices, creative practices, and even just practical stuff like opening up your bank account, looking at your numbers, taking a breath, having a date night with money, those kinds of things. And then on top of that, I also provide a comprehensive financial strategy. Basically, I create, get a sense of what your goals and dreams are, your financial goals and dreams. And we set up a plan to, like, get you there. So I do the practical side of the finance, and I also do the ancestral healing. You know, the stuff that, the unconscious, shadowy work that gets in the way.
You need to, like, change your name. In your podcast title
>> Angie Jordan: Okay, is that what you do all the time in your business, or you have other offers?
>> Isha Vela: I have other offers, but that is like. That is the signature offer. Yeah. It’s the only offer where I blend the practical and the woo.
>> Angie Jordan: Okay. What? Because, I really, truly don’t know. Tell me what devotional anarchy is.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah, it’s been bothering me a lot lately. basically, like, I. That came up more around when I was doing like, relationship anarchy stuff. And devotional for me, is like, I’m a little bit of a rebel. I’m, a countercultural person. And devotional is like doing countercultural work, but from the heart, not from the head, but doing it from a place of like, dedication, devotion, commitment. commitment to healing. And. Bye. Healing are the internalized systems of oppression. We, like, liberate ourselves and other people around us.
>> Angie Jordan: Okay. So I would say if we want to draw the shortest line from point a to point b, we need to get a lot more clear in this. In your podcast title.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah, yeah.
>> Angie Jordan: Like a lot more clear. And like. And this is also like a you thing. Like, like, do you think. Because I. I don’t know if. I don’t know if your ideal client really resonates with that or not. You would know that. But also, I think I could be your ideal client, but I would never resonate with that.
>> Isha Vela: Okay.
>> Angie Jordan: You know, and it’s only because, it’s only because, like, I don’t know. At the core, we’re just simple. Just simple.
>> Isha Vela: It’s like, what is it? It’s like the I. The caveman test. Like, what is it? Do I understand it? If I don’t understand it, I move on. Right?
>> Angie Jordan: We’re fast like that. And especially when it comes, like, in the podcast app. And. And this is the thing. So if I was going to, draw the shortest line in 90 days for you to, like, let’s do a rebrand. Let’s come out with a new, like, new season, new content, I would literally like you. You need to, like, change your name. It needs to be, what is. What would the people who most need this one on one work? What are. What do they really, really want? Like, what are they really looking for? Like, are they looking for devotional anarchy? Are they looking, like, what are they looking for? What’s the result that they’re gonna get? What’s gonna make them? And I’m not saying that you have to be, like, make some plain Jane name, because sometimes, like, curiosity can be sparked by a name. And sometimes curiosity can be good, too, and effective. in a name, however, like, it has to be something that. That’s going to, like, perk up our ears or our eyes when we’re looking through it and say, oh, this could be for me, you know? And I’ll tell you why. I named my podcast the name. I named it podcast that pays to, for a reason. A lot of people are so resistant to, like, niching down or, like, being too specific, because, I mean, I get it.
>> Isha Vela: I get it.
>> Angie Jordan: It gets boring. You feel like you’re boxed into something, blah, blah, blah. You do. And I’m not any different than anyone else. However, the people who come to listen to my podcast, do you know what I know about them for sure?
>> Isha Vela: What is that?
>> Angie Jordan: I know they want a podcast, or they have a podcast, or else they’re not coming to listen to podcasts. That pays. Do you know how good that feels, though, how clear that is? how easy that is to understand that all these people who are listening to my podcast are already a little bit warm by default. They want the thing that I’m selling. I know that they are a possible ideal client because of how I’ve positioned my podcast. So if you want to ensure that everyone who’s coming to your podcast could be. Is aligned with working with you, then you’ve got to position your podcast in a way where there’s no room for interpretation. And that’s okay. It’s okay in some cases. And like I said, I will always give the caveat if you want to draw the shortest line from point a to point b. I’m not telling you that you can’t get from point a to point b without doing this, because I believe everybody has their own way you can do whatever you want to do. God bless. But I’m telling you, the shortest line is to be as specific as possible.
You can change the name of your podcast, but have you even started one
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Angie Jordan: And I got this question on TikTok today. I just like, made a response video and it was so funny because she was just like, my problem is I don’t know what my, what to name my podcast. Like, can you change it later on down the road? And my response video was really, really snarky. Like, go figure. But I was just like, why are we laboring over this so much? Yes, you can change the name of your podcast, but like, have you even started one yet, girl? Like, you haven’t even gotten on the horse and you are over here already so worried. I’m telling you, everybody is so worried about this. Niching it down and the, name and being able to change it. Your podcast, and you’ve seen this, so you can raise your hand and say, this is true. Your podcast will grow and evolve as you grow and evolve.
>> Isha Vela: Absolutely.
>> Angie Jordan: You are at a place now where you’re ready to evolve.
>> Angie Jordan: That’s fine. That will happen. It may happen three, four more times. Yeah, that’s okay. But you have to do the thing that feels present now. And so I, especially when you’re small, so you’re still relatively, really small and getting really small numbers. And I’m not saying like, it just, it depends as far as numbers go because everybody’s always like, what’s a good numbers of downloads? I’m like, it really, really vastly depends. It depends on what? Like, niche that you’re in big time. So from what I see with helping people who are coaches, consultants, business owners, like service providers.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Angie Jordan: On online.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Angie Jordan: I would say the range that I most commonly see are anywhere from, like, where you’re at 20 downloads an episode and all the way up to, I’ve seen about like 500. I’ve not seen a lot. Very rare to see a lot of people who are like over a thousand downloads per episode in this niche. Just, FYI to everyone who thinks that they need 8000 million downloads, that is really above what is the average of.
>> Isha Vela: Okay, that’s great to know.
>> Angie Jordan: So being somewhere in this niche in the 100s would be probably really solid. Yeah, yeah. So we had to get those numbers. We have to get those, you know, numbers up. And if you’re going for like, I would challenge you to go in and look at, take that average of like this past month and then go look at January and see where you were in January. And if you’re in the exact same place. So you need to do something different.
>> Angie Jordan: You need to be more intentional about your growth. So a rebrand would be really great for you. I would really dig into this name thing. What do people really want? I just, I feel like I always say, always say, like if I taught people about money, I would make so much money because, because I just have so many different, like, messaging ideas in my mind around, around this. But, you really have to think about what is the most current thing that people are going through. Who do you help? Do you help business owners or just anyone?
>> Isha Vela: Mostly entrepreneurs. But like, I feel like I see kind of like, both people who are like just starting out in business, who are entrepreneurs are more like the spiritual, your light worker types, your body workers, like those kinds of folks who are just starting out and then like higher end people who are already making, you know, six, multiple six figures.
>> Angie Jordan: Yeah. So I feel like what’s really present, what’s really present in the industry right now around money is that some people have struggle, struggling to get clients. people are waking up realizing they invested a bunch of money and a bunch of coaches that didn’t pan out for them. people are realizing the importance of like having your shit together for when your cells are bad, that you should have set yourself up differently financially. Like, these are all really present things that you could position yourself as the sort of like, answer and then always, ever present in the spiritual world is talking about money in that practical perspective. It’s like, yes, witches need money too, you know?
>> Isha Vela: Exactly, exactly. That’s like, that’s a good one.
>> Angie Jordan: Witches need money too. And so, you know, because a lot of spiritual entrepreneurs are like kind of loose and free and, oh, they can be in a piss. So it’s like, yep, let’s do this.
>> Isha Vela: But let’s grounded, it’s not grounded tactic. Yeah, that’s a lot of what I work with.
>> Angie Jordan: It could be that’s the angle that’s blaring to us is just like, you know where you’re coming in and although you’re woo and all about generation and you know, some of these deeper spiritual things, you’re coming in and saying, like that. That’s not it. That’s not all to it. Like, you need this and so you’re coming in like it, ah, with this angle of, I’m, woo too. But like, woo is not going to help you run a sustainable business.
>> Isha Vela: Pay the bills. Yeah, it doesn’t pay the bills. Yeah.
>> Angie Jordan: So that is a good, you know, that’s good positioning right there.
How do you position yourself when talking about managing your money
Or, you know, how do you position yourself where, you know, you’re talking about, like, building solid foundations with your money? It sounds really boring, but, like, that’s the thing. Or using what’s happening currently in the industry to position yourself in this way, I think, would be really, really on target right now for. For this.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah, it’s really all, this. This season has been all about that. Talking about multiple. Multiple streams of income. Right. And having a. A safety. Safety net account for your business. Right. In case things slow down. Like, all of that stuff is what I incorporate that. I’m definitely that voice of, like, yeah, like, let’s not be in spiritual bypass when talking about our money. Like, this is not. We’re not more. We’re not more spiritual by not wanting. Looking at. Managing our money. Right. And then also the piece around, like, building the safety, the internal safety and the trust that you can hold. Right. Greater amounts of money and. Yeah. Building that capacity. Right. Looking at the nervous system aspects of things.
>> Angie Jordan: Yeah. And so I will just give you, like, a quick, you know, framework to use if you’re going to do this. As far as your content. I would do, like I said, episode one, and this is on my podcast, too. So, like, if anybody’s listening, they, like, want me to break, like, you want to get a breakdown of this. Of you using this framework. It’s over there, too.
Episode one is all about your mission. So this is, like, who you are. So what are those things
So episode one, all about your mission. So this is, like, who you are. What? Polar. I hate to say this, but I call it Donald Trump marketing. It’s a perfect explanation. It almost needs no explanation. It’s just like, say the shit that nobody else will say around the thing, and it will polarize the people. It will bring the people to you that are, like.
>> Isha Vela: Right,
>> Angie Jordan: Right, about you. You know, like, that’s one thing that we’ve seen. So what are those things? What are those things that you’re staking your claim on that could be. That are, like, different or the things that other people won’t say or the things that you firmly believe that make you who you are. That. So when someone listens to that episode, they’re going to really. Either really resonate with you or they’re going to be like, this chick is not for me. That’s what you want.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Angie Jordan: And also, in that episode, you want to really be telling them what’s in this for them. So a couple of questions you want answered in that episode. Number one, what is their result from listening to this new season? Let’s just say like that you’re going to do, what result are they going to get? So they’re going to be able to get clear on what their money goals are. They’re going to be able to get clear whatever, whatever that result is. And then number two, when they get that result, how does that affect their immediate circle? So them being clear, them expanding their mind about their money, them laying down this foundation, how does that affect how they are with their family at home? How does that affect what kind of partner they are? How does that affect what kind of business owner they are? How does that affect what kind of boss? How does that affect how they show up for their clients? What are all those residual benefits that are going to happen in their life from getting this result that they’re going to give them from listening to this? And then the third part is, what is the overall thing that you are shifting with what you’re doing? What’s that overall narrative that you’re shifting? So it’s the narrative of being a spiritual entrepreneur and only manifesting money, like not doing anything foundational or, or practical.
>> Isha Vela: Or actually like investing their money as you earn it. Just kind of like, oh, I’m attracting money and I’m right. Like, I’m in my pussyverse and it’s all coming to me and it’s all working. That is wonderful. And like, let’s start investing.
>> Angie Jordan: Exactly. Because I feel like, and this is good messaging angle is I just, I feel like there’s a lot of people, because this has been true and has happened in my own life. I have been so expanded on what I believe is possible. You know, I grew up making $60,000 a year was like, that’s what you did? That was good. Yeah, I never knew that people were making like 40, 50, $60,000 a month. Like, that just wasn’t in my realm of possibilities. Mine was like, oh, if you get to make six figures, okay. I never knew. And then I got around those people, and now, it’s expanded on what I think people can earn. But then I got around a friend of mine who works with, like, venture capitalists and finance, financial people here at the bankers. Finance bankers, whatever, in New York City. And we went to dinner with the other night, and she’s like, talking about stuff that I was like, what the fuck? Like, I, I know nothing about wealth and how these really wealthy, ultra wealthy people think about business. Like, start a business and like, sit here and spend all this time on social media, like, begging people to buy your stuff. No, they would never they would never. But anyway, so, it’s just like, about expanding that and really understanding. Like, that’s two different things. Like being able to attract money and being able to know that it’s available to you and building this foundation and building wealth. Two different things.
>> Isha Vela: Yes.
>> Angie Jordan: Two different skills, two different things. And what you’re doing is marrying the two of them, which is great, you know? So anyway, that’s your first episode. Go into that. Your next episodes would be, all around, like the, like, myths. Like, you want to bust myths. You want to, bust myths. So whatever myths people have about money, wealth, all of that, manifesting whatever it is, and then also things you want those people, your ideal people, to stop and start doing. So something you commonly see people start, like, stop, you know, whatever you want them to. You want to just, like, strangle them.
>> Isha Vela: And be like, stop this, do that.
>> Angie Jordan: Yes. So those you want to do, you know, those are your next set of episodes, then the set of episodes after that. And this just depends on how long your season is or how many episodes can fit into that. Your next episodes after that, you want to focus, on your framework and what you do and how you move people through point a to point b. So now you’ve told them all the stuff to stop. You’ve told them, like, you busted all these myths and they’re ready. They think that this can work for them. And now you’re highlighting your expertise, right? So that’s what you’re going to do next. And not in the way where you’re coming on and teaching, because, remember, podcast platform is not. We’re not in a masterclass. Nobody is sitting down, taking notes, and we’re not sitting at a workshop. We’re outside. I used to always tell people I’m outside walking my dog, picking up shit when I’m listening. I’m not writing down your three top points. I’m not doing it. I’m picking up shit. My little nine pound chihuahua that would, like, go to the bathroom four different times on our walks. So, not doing it.
You really want to be showing them through story and through how you’ve helped others
So anyway, you want to really, when you’re talking about your framework, you really. You really want to be showing them through story and through how you’ve helped other clients. how, like, what this piece is. So maybe you are, like, not just show. Not just showing them, but maybe you are. Some things you might have to actually explain.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Angie Jordan: So some things you might have to say, this is what this piece is. I, like, save that conversation for a different day to say, legit. I’m in my coworking space at my apartment, and there is, like, the rudest. I mean, they’re just the rudest looking people that I ever met in my life here. But anyhow, anyhow, yeah. Ah, another conversation for another day. It’s not as bad as the day they came in and I was in the room and they started putting the blinds down and, like, setting up to, like, do whatever they were doing. Like, I wasn’t there.
>> Isha Vela: Jeez. Okay.
>> Angie Jordan: Yeah.
You want to define your framework and show why people need it
Anyhow, so you want to be talking about your framework, like, defining what it is and really showing the case for why people need this part. Why is this important? Not necessarily. This is what it is, and here’s how to do it. So it’s like, what is this? Why do you need it?
>> Isha Vela: Yes.
>> Angie Jordan: Let me show you a story of my client when she implemented this kind of thing. Right?
>> Isha Vela: Yes.
>> Angie Jordan: So that’s really like your, like, a simple little framework that you can use to help people.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Angie Jordan: Just kind of buy from you from the thing that you’re wanting. Right.
How do you measure how many people are listening to your podcast
and then what are you currently doing right now? What’s your call to action from your podcast?
>> Isha Vela: Call to action is to get on my email list. I have a three part money series that people can. Can engage in, and it’s basically like a money activation and increasing their money confidence as well. So there’s a little bit of the. There is, almost like a sampling of what they would get in my wealth program. So they get a little bit of the woo stuff. They get some of the practical financial education and tools as part of that. And then there’s an email series that follows that invites them into my. Into my one on one container.
>> Angie Jordan: How is that converting?
>> Isha Vela: It is not. I mean, once in a while, but, like, you know, I want up.
>> Angie Jordan: So do you have something like, set up where you can actually see how many people are even coming to this from your podcast? Like, coming to your sales page for this?
>> Isha Vela: I don’t know how many people are coming from the podcast. Yeah.
>> Angie Jordan: Okay.
>> Isha Vela: I think that might be coming through my social media.
>> Angie Jordan: Yeah. Okay. Write that down as things to do. This is like, do your KPI’s, and then you need to know, because it’s another really big. This is the only KPI I really care about, to be honest. how many people are taking action on what I’m telling them to take action on? And I’ll tell you how I do it, because I’m very tech averse. It’s hilarious. Like, my husband’s, like, how. How do you have this business. Somebody asked me earlier, can you send me the photos in an icloud link? I was like, I don’t know, can I do it? So anyway, this is how I do it. So I want people to join my membership from my podcast, right? So what I do is I take, I have my membership sales page. I’ve taken that sales page and I duplicate it.
>> Isha Vela: And you have it connected to the podcast.
>> Angie Jordan: So what I do is, so my website is, you know, angiemjordan.com dot. So my membership is like angiemjordan.com, the lab, right? So when I duplicate it, it’s angiemjordan.com, the lab one. You know, it’s just like, has a one on it, whatever. I now I take my URL from my podcast, which is I just use the name of my podcast podcast pays.com. and I just forward it to the duplicated page.
>> Angie Jordan: And I only use podcast.com from my podcast. You will not hear that anywhere else. I don’t drop that link anywhere. It’s from there. So that’s an easy way for me to be able to see who’s coming because I know that no one else gets that link anywhere else. I don’t drop it. They’re not coming from social, they’re m coming there.
You don’t want to give a lot of different calls to actions
Now you can do something. I want to. I want to say, they’re called, they’re called utms. I was about to say Utis. That’s all right. That’s all right. Like, that’s not right, but they’re called utms. and if you. You can also set those up some kind of way. If you’re somebody who’s techie, just FYI, you don’t have to do this way. You can set up utms and you can see where exactly people are coming from. But I also don’t feel like it cannot be as accurate, because here’s why. When you are listening to a podcast, I feel like it’s a lot. Like, here’s the scenario. Here’s how it is again. I’m picking up shit. Listening to your podcast. I’m not thinking about taking action. I’m not, whatever. But let’s say I’m listening to one of your episodes. I’m really inspired by it. I’m like, okay, I need to check that out. I’m walking my dog, you know? So later on that night, I sit on the sofa. I got Netflix on something on that show. Sparks my remembrance. And I’m like, oh, yeah, I wanted to check this girl’s thing out. I wanted to go look at this offer because I really need to get my money shit together. So what do I do? Do I go in and try to dig and find her URL link, her long ass, messy ass URL link like ngmdorden.com, the lab.com or do I do that? Or has this person made a really clean, neat, easy to remember URL that I that repeats every single time? That repeats every single time. So I know if I want to work with Angie further, I’m just going to podcast that pays.com because I’m not really listening to all these different offers. She dropping on her podcast. I’m not listening to go download the worksheet@angiemjordan.com. getstarted 123 I know because I’m, Because Angie has leveraged the power of simplicity and repetition, which we need.
>> Angie Jordan: To really instill that. Now that I’m sitting out, I could be like, oh yeah, I’m going to podcast.com to find what I need. Right.
>> Isha Vela: Got it.
>> Angie Jordan: Got it. That’s, other to dos. You can add to the, to the list of things so that you want to make it simple, you want to make it memorable, you want to make it easy. You don’t want to give a lot of different calls to actions. You want the same call to action results based call to action. Nobody cares about your program. People care about the results that you’re getting. So if you are ready to unlock your highest potential, your highest earning potential, and really build wealth, come to suchandsuch.com. that’s where you’re going to do that. They don’t care what that leads to. They only care about the results. So you don’t need to say, I’ve got this three part training that you can get. We don’t want to do no work and be trained.
>> Isha Vela: Right.
>> Angie Jordan: Just tell us the result. We want that. Okay. So that’s how you want to do your calls to action in that way. And make sure you have them in a commercial in the middle of your episode, not just at the end.
>> Isha Vela: Okay. Yeah, usually at the beginning, but it’s good to have.
>> Angie Jordan: You can do them in the beginning. You can do in the beginning. That’s fine, as long as you don’t put them at the end.
>> Isha Vela: Yes.
>> Angie Jordan: I mean, you can reiterate them at the end, but don’t just put them at the end.
>> Isha Vela: Yes, I hear you. Okay.
>> Angie Jordan: And then, now once you set it up like this, you can again every month as you’re going to track. Also, those other KPI’s track your how many people are coming to this page. You will start to see, you can start to see a correlation between, let’s say you decide to drop a podcast series about something. You may see an uptick in how many people are coming over to your sales page from your podcast. And so that will give you more information because remember, marketing is all about collecting data. It will give you that data to see what’s working, what’s not working, what is making people move, what’s not. If you change your commercial, maybe and it starts, you’ll notice a change, but you’ll be able to start tracking and seeing like what is actually moving the needle here.
>> Isha Vela: Yes, no, I love it.
>> Angie Jordan: And that’s what you should be. That’s what you should be focused on. I could talk about this for days. I’m sorry, I don’t even have a concept of time right now. So.
>> Isha Vela: No, this is fantastic.
You need to do some sort of event with your podcast
And we do, I do want to wrap up, but this has been so I feel like in the short time that we were just sitting here together, you covered so much. You covered even just the tech pieces, but also conceptual and step by step, like guiding customers through a journey with you to get to know you. Almost like an email warm up series would be, except for the podcast and then tying it together. I think that was like, I feel very, yeah, I feel a lot clearer about the next steps. Thought that this was also very helpful, but he was listening.
>> Angie Jordan: And just make sure for you personally, as you do this, like rebrand. Yeah, you need to do some sort of event with it. So like make m it something fun, make it something like, tie it to like the event. Like, I was just telling you, like, you can do, tie it to like a sales event or tie it to like a, ah, giveaway if you have that kind of rapport with your audience. Some people don’t. Some people could do a giveaway and it’d be crickets, but so you have to make sure, like, your audience would actually respond because that really would be sad for you if you tried to give something away and no one even did anything.
>> Isha Vela: Nobody showed up to the party, nobody.
>> Angie Jordan: Even signed, showed up to get something free from you. But sometimes if you’re not, if you don’t really have that core, really active community, that’s really normal. but do something fun and exciting and get people really push this new angle, new branding, new season of your podcast, and you will see those numbers go up and then, so you can think about it. You’re like, oh, okay, that’s cool. I can do that, like, once a quarter or something and, ah, incorporate something fun so that people can come and listen.
>> Isha Vela: Okay. that’s amazing.
Angie is on all the platforms as Angie. So you can Instagram, Facebook, TikTok
Thank you so much, Angie. And I wanted to ask you, like, how can people find you? I’m, you know, obviously podcast that pays, right? Yeah, that’s in your podcast and. And on. You’re on TikTok.
>> Angie Jordan: I love TikTok, let me just tell you. But I’m on all the platforms as Angie. M m as in Marie Jordan.
>> Isha Vela: Okay.
>> Angie Jordan: So you can Instagram, Facebook, TikTok. hang out with me there. But my preference is a thousand percent. Come and listen to my podcast.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah, for sure.
>> Angie Jordan: You’ll get some good. You’ll get some good nuggets there, for sure.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah. And I did listen to the series about, like, monetizing your podcast. I thought that was so helpful. So, yeah, you’re listening to this go find Angie on podcast page.
>> Angie Jordan: This is so fun. I appreciate you having me on, and, like, this has been fun.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah, yeah. Thank you so much.
All right, thank you for listening to today’s episode
>> Angie Jordan: All right, thank you.
>> Isha Vela: Thank you for listening to today’s episode. Remember to hit the subscribe button to get notified of new episodes dropping on the new and full moons of each month. And if you haven’t already, leave us a five star review on iTunes. To make sure that everyone who needs this transmission receives it. Until the next episode, I’m sending you fierce, fierce love.