4.22 | Imagining Possible Futures with Natalie Levin
>> Isha Vela: Welcome to Devotional Anarchy, a podcast about intimate, embodied leadership that is radically human, honest af, and thereby inherently disruptive to systems of disempowerment and disconnection. I’m Isha Vela, trauma psychologist, certified somatic practitioner, wealth wizard, licensed financial professional, leadership coach, and intuitive business mentor. You’re here because, you know, self intimacy and self knowledge is the source of everything you want to create in your life. And that building safety and trust in your body is what allows you to fully own and store your energy in the direction of your desires. This season, get ready for deep dives into wealth building spirituality, emotional leadership, and human centered business with an activist twist. The conversations and tools shared in this podcast are your permission slip to manifest a life and business that lights your soul on fire and supports collective liberation.
>> Natalie Levin: I have a pot like in that and I have some Palo Santo as well. So I’m getting it, getting it going. We just.
>> Isha Vela: I love that you have that ready. I’m ready to conversation.
>> Natalie Levin: That’s ready to roll. Yes. I’m so happy to be on here with you. What a treat.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah, me too, Me too. And, yeah, I just want to just get into it with you because I know that a lot of people are just, are in their feels right now. whether it’s celebration feels or grieving feels or, anger. Right. And I just wanted to have a conversation about, like, where do we go from here, basically? And a little bit of like, you know, meeting with you as, you know, as an astrologer and as someone who sort of understands where we are in sort of, a historical sense. Right. Like astrological timeline sense.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah.
>> Isha Vela: just really wanting to kind of like, okay, like, what’s, what are, what are the planets? What is the cosmos sort of like asking us to do? Right. What are the, the next steps here? That’s. I really feel that’s the question that I want to answer. Like, how do we step into the next level? Right. Or how do we step into, you know, Pluto in Aquarius. Right. Like, what are the tasks at hand essentially?
>> Natalie Levin: Yes. When I’m leaning into this question and when you asked me to be on this podcast, it was before the election.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: So I was wondering what would bubble out. And so the first thing that I want to invite. One of the things that has been really helpful for me is throughout all of this, being human on planet Earth right now, can there be an in. You invite yourself to remember that you are a spirit having a human experience. So that has been really helpful for me to get, like a, A bird’s eye view of what’s going on.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: And then on top of that is an overlay of the vibration of the planets which are living.
>> Natalie Levin: And the overlay the scrim. Like, I’m an opera singer too. So sometimes if you happen to be on stage or you’ve seen a stage, and then there’s. It looks like one thing, there’s like a curtain in front and you’re like, oh, look at that beautiful scenery of that forest. And then they turn on the lighting behind the scrim and you can see M. More depth and more. Have perceived more about what’s happening. I feel like we can. We can invite ourselves to say, okay, we’re looking. We see this scrim right now. So I can very consciously say, I’m going to look through the scrim. I’m, going to see the scrim of the election results. I’m going to see the scrim of what it’s like to be in the United States right now, which is where I believe you and I both are living. And some of your listeners might be in other parts of the world. However.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: One of the things that is really going to become apparent in the next 20 years is the fact that Aquarian energy, which is where the planet of death and transformation, Death and transformation, Death and transformation, is landing for the next 20 years, as of November 19th is. Aquarius is. I am completely. I know. I begin to realize and have consciousness about that we are all connected. I am leaning. I love Aquarian energy. I love it. It’s where my north node is. So the north node is, what you are here to master. So an Aquarian energy. I want to invite everyone to remember that when the planet Uranus was discovered, that became the ruling planet of Aquarius. So Aquarian energy answers is infused with the energy of Uranus, and Uranus follows no rules. Uranus, you can’t even think of a box into which to put Uranus because there is no box. So we are all being invited. Collective. I mean, I’m very excited and I know that I tend to be, Pollyanna. Ish. Ly. delighted at being incarnate. except when I go into a really, really deep black hole and then I’m in the psychiatric unit, so that I embody all of those colors. so, we are. So, we have chosen to incarnate at a time when we’re stepping into this realm where Pluto, the planet, which is the Golden Phoenix, rising out of the ashes simultaneously as the whole land is laid to waste. and with that happening, we are all being infused with the energy of lightning bolts, of awakenings, of volcanoes erupting, of immediate, instantaneous awakening. So I’m imagining what I’m witnessing is. It seems like a lot of people are becoming curious about m. Is this entity really the boss of me? Do I actually have to answer to that? and so with Pluto leaving Capricorn, where it’s been for the past 16ish years. So again, if you’re the people listening, think back to about 2008. 2009 ish what was going on for you at that time? There was probably some sort of really big life shift, either for yourself or others. For me, it looked like, so Pluto left Sagittarius and moved into. Is this 2000, like 2007, 2008. So about 16ish years ago.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: And for. So, yes. usually people when I say that are like, oh, whoa. Like for me, it was. I got divorced, I quit opera singing professionally. I declared bankruptcy, I moved, I left New York City, I moved back to Philadelphia. I mean, it was everything why my life was totally, again, this. M. Raised to the ground. Yes, we are in that sort of time shift again.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: And, now with the distance that I have, you know, 16 years, I’m 53. I was 40, I was 39 when. Or 38 when that happened. It’s a really different perspective, like to be in the crone phase of my life.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: And, it’s. Can we. The image of m. Mycelium.
>> Isha Vela: Yes, mycelium.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah, yeah, yeah, mycelium. That is very, very. Can, your listeners begin to hold in their mind’s eye the fact that there is this interconnected web underground of the mushroom, the gorgeous plant that is the mushroom. I’ve never actually taken them medicinally into my body, but because I feel like I’m already sort of on mushrooms all the time. So, so I invite you, your listeners, to keep in mind, oh, there’s this interconnected web of energy that actually, even if I cannot possibly imagine that this person across the room and I have anything in common, actually, I would like to offer up that energetically somewhere there is a connecting thread. And I feel like in the next 20, that’s going to become more and more evident and it’s even, for me, becoming clearer and more out in the open. Because Pluto has been dancing back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius since March of 2023.
>> Isha Vela: Oh.
>> Natalie Levin: So there’s been. I’ve seen, like, for example, some weather events happening and people are stepping up to say, I’m here to help you neighborhood. We might not have anything in common. And here, why don’t you come over and charge your phone in my house? My house is still standing. Why don’t you come and have some of my eggs? it’s really happening already. This sense of, okay, I actually can use the planet of alchemy, Pluto, in a powerfully high octave by. I don’t know how this is going to land with you, but in your listeners. Well, not you, but your listeners It’s. Can I also remember that at some point in some lifetime, you were my child. At some point in some lifetime, we were married. Can I remember that you killed me in another lifetime and I killed you. And this thread of. Can I in this lifetime choose to step into the higher octave of whatever our relationship is right now? Mm Which is not. It’s not an easy task. Always.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: Am I answering the question that you originally asked?
>> Isha Vela: Well, what I feel like you’re getting into is, is just having a little bit of a. Ah, I don’t know. As you’re speaking. What I’m feeling too is some experiences that I’ve had with people throughout my life where even though in this incarnation and in this earth plane, maybe the relationship isn’t that great, maybe it isn’t, even a healthy relationship, that there’s an understanding of a spiritual task that needs to happen or an agreement of some kind. that’s sort of what you’re reminding me of. And I think that where I’m going in my head and is, you know, I think that we are the task, part of the task at hand, that we are sort of being called into. You. You sort of said it in a, in a roundabout way when you talked about the mycelial networks is really adopting a collective identity. And part of what is dying. Right. Part of the, part of the system that is crumbling. And when I think about system, I think about a macro system of political systems and maybe like the electoral college, for example, like big things like that government. But then when I think about the M Micro M system is the systems that live inside of us, which is individualism and breaking down sort of the walls that we have between ourselves and other people. And I am in no way suggesting that you need to be friends with, you know, people who are, you know, maybe like intentionally wanting to hurt you or don’t care about you.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah, definitely.
>> Isha Vela: I’m not suggesting that you get to boundaries. I, I set them every day. but about really having that understanding even if you choose not to have connection with someone, like, even if you choose like, no, no, you’re over there, I’m over here, we’re good. But to still recognize them as part of this mycelial network.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah, right.
>> Isha Vela: I think that we can. I think that part of being a human and having, you know, this, this experience is to be able to hold both of those realities.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah.
>> Isha Vela: Be able to hold the human that is like, I want to kill you or like you’re an. And then Also have this other side of like, yeah, I recognize. Like, yeah, we have something to learn from one another. Like, you’re. You’re somehow here to teach me something, even if it is just about setting boundaries.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes, yes. And M. So there’s always. What I’m hearing and what you’re sharing is there’s always a thread of like, m, me, when I’m not in my body, recognizing you when you’re not in your body. Because when. Okay, yes. And when we get squeezed into these, our immense, infinite spirits, we have to squeeze into these little tiny human bodies that it comes with restrictions, like I. And we feel many more emotions, than we’re able to when we’re in our spirit forms. And it’s a gift of being human. Like, oh, my gosh, I get to have these experiences. And some are pleasant and some are not. I think that also with the energy of Capricorn that we’ve been in for 16 years. Capricorn is related to government. It’s related to top, top down. Like, there’s one person in charge and then everyone else is like, the pleblians underneath. I might have said that.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: And so that is dying. And yes, what you said, the. Our government systems, I don’t think they’re going to be the same as they have been. We are also, particularly in the United States, having what’s called a Pluto return that happens once every 250 years. Ish. And so about 250 years ago, more or less, is when the Declaration of Independence was signed.
>> Isha Vela: Oh, wow.
>> Natalie Levin: So we are being invited now, to say, is this. Do we want to continue in this way? Like, that way might have played its time out and now maybe. So I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some, states saying, I want to be my own entity and succeeding. It could look like that. It could be. And again, if anyone says right now with the Uranian energy so loud, if anyone says this is definitely what’s going to happen, it can’t possibly be what it is because the nature of Uranus is unknowable. So we can, we can muse about what might be coming and we can also hold it, hold on to it lightly.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. I just feel like, you know, sometimes I have, I have flashes of the future. and sort of the things that I see give me a lot of like, I feel very excited about it and, you know, it’s not, nothing. It won’t come easily. Right. It’s gonna. It’s gonna come with a fight and it’s gonna like, we’re. It’s gonna. We’re gonna. We’re gonna work for it. Right. We’re gonna work for it together. But I. I see kind of like. Oh yes. I see us like shifting into, like smaller groups of people. Like. Right. Like maybe states separating and say we want to be our own thing versus being either a bigger collective. We. I see us moving into smaller collectives.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes.
>> Isha Vela: And moving from that individual model even from like living in like single family homes to living in. Right. you know, on. I don’t know what to call it, but like. Yeah, like community. Yeah. on. On land and. And farming together and. Really? Yes. you know, a lot of people talk about that stuff already, so that’s not a really big surprise. But, you know, even just the fact that like housing is getting more expensive, it’s kind of forcing us in that direction anyway. Right.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes.
>> Isha Vela: so I feel like that’s kind of like a. Just almost like a. Not an inevitability, but it’s just kind of like. Yeah, that’s what. That’s what we’re already moving towards. And Yeah, I. I don’t mind that. I like that. I feel like that’s healthier than what we’ve been doing so far. Right. You know, that’s a part of the system where I’m just happy to have it crumble.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah.
>> Isha Vela: And be like, yeah, let’s. Let’s do something different that’s not working, you know?
>> Natalie Levin: Yes. Yes. M. Yeah.
>> Isha Vela: So I just feel kind of like I. This question you said earlier. Who is the boss of me? Like, is this person. Is this one person really the boss of me? That’s sort of what I’ve been writing or. And like musing over more recently or since the election. Not necessarily since the election, but kind of like more specifically around like. Yes, we put a lot of stock into this, into an election because there is one person chosen. And I’m just like, yeah, that doesn’t really. I’m not really into that. And yes, I voted because I felt like I kind of had to put my ticket in there and kind of m. Do the thing. But it’s really not something I believe in.
>> Natalie Levin: Right.
>> Isha Vela: Generally. Yes.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes, it’s a both and it’s a.
>> Isha Vela: Right, exactly. And holding the both and I think is really what we were talking about earlier. About being human and being a spiritual being.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes.
>> Isha Vela: To be able to hold the both and. And that’s where, you know, the complexity Of. Of our relationships and all of these networks and how we’re doing things and how we’re moving forward is going from this, you know, bipolarity. You, you know you did this or you know you did that. The bifurcation, anything that is sort of like splitting.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes.
>> Isha Vela: All the splitting behavior, like really, softening those edges. And, that for me is like a little bit what unity is about is like having just a little bit more room for people to kind of m. Be who they are. And, you know, again, without. Without it being a violation of another person.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes.
>> Isha Vela: You know. Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: For me, what. Astrology really helps me to do that. To hold. To hold the space for the fact that, okay, you have a Capricorn Moon and that comes with a certain vibration and frequency. It’s like the, you wear glasses, you have a blue shirt on, you have a Capricorn Moon. And so it’s not. I take it much less personally when you do something that is rather in the vein of Capricorn Moon. I’m like, oh, okay. And for me, it was one of the first. Aha. moments I had with astrology. Now, the person who was my astrologer about 16 years ago is embarrassed that she said this. However, what she said was, people with charts like yours can tend to have mental illness. That was so helpful to release, the shame that I had. I was like, oh, my gosh, it’s in my chart. Like, I didn’t understand astrology. And I was like, it can feel so shame reducing. And so I want to invite also people to know that if you’re getting one of the things that happens with Pluto in Aquarius, which is where we’re vibrating towards, and we’re like, in about 10 days, is the fact that because Pluto can be related to trauma and Aquarius is the collective, there can be, a collective trauma that could be bubbling up and especially with Aquarius rules, technology and the Internet. So I’m noticing for myself when I go on social media, which I love. I love social media. I love being on it. I love connecting with people on it. That’s how I’ve met you. it also can be a way to fall into this, a hole of despair. And so when that starts to happen and you’re noticing that you’re getting caught up with the collective, I’m going to even say the collect. I mean, the collective unconscious of people that all their stuff is coming out and the despair. Yes. Oh, and, and you’re. And I imagine, like, remember that our nervous Systems, at least so far. Well, I’m going to call it, I like to say it this way, operating system. That’s from Lobster Bird. Our opposite operating systems are, have not been designed to receive this onslaught of non stop information.
>> Isha Vela: That’s right.
>> Natalie Levin: So with another, astrology, movement that’s happening right now is the planet Neptune, which is Poseidon. He’s the God of underwater. And he can dive down into the depths and he can go to parts of the oceans that our machines have never gone because they will get squished by the pressure. And he’s down there and he’s like, oh my gosh, look at all these mysteries and these amazing emotions. And I’m, bringing up like connection to spirit that you guys don’t even know you’ve had. And he’s in his favorite sign, which is Pisces. And Pisces can be a lot of water. So think tsunami. Think overwhelmed. Think. I’ve heard people saying, I’m really overwhelmed. I’m really overwhelmed. I’m really overwhelmed. A drowning sensation. So if that I want to offer up that, I’m not surprised if people are feeling that. And what can you do to maybe put a pause, maybe if the overwhelm is coming from the onslaught of information. Okay, like today, what I did, I was doing that, I got caught into the social media, hole for like an hour and a half. And I was like, okay, Natalie, what is the next right thing for you to do to get out of this? So I got up and I went to the spring where, they bring spring water. And I fit this Neptune in Pisces and filled my bottles of water and I did some physical, manual physical labor. And that really broke the spell because Neptune in Pisces can also be an enchantment. you’re under a magic spell. It’s very, it’s, it’s ether, it’s steam, it’s mysterious. And it’s also this incredible moment that we’re having that we won’t have unless some of us live to be like 170, 180. we won’t have this experience again of the veil being so thin between what we can see and what we can’t see. So if you’re someone who has not before been interested in talking to whatever is loud for you in terms of your spirit team, that would be a, you’d be very supported right now to start doing. Even if it’s just looking around and saying thank you. Like most of us can only see, hear, feel and experience 4% of what is actually happening around us.
>> Isha Vela: Wow. Amazing.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah. So it’s really. I know that for me, my prayer has been lately and this is. I’m someone who thought the idea of God was bullshit until like 15 years ago and I started to be slightly open. It’s. I command all of my archangels, my ascended masters, my spirit, my. The highest iteration of my spirit team and my most well healed ancestors to gather around me right now. And they’re like shoom, here they are. And I, I give thanks to them all that my life is unfurling exactly as it is meant to for the highest, purest iteration of my most abundant, most divine and most benevolent timeline. So it’s really. If you’re listening to this, how specific can you get? And as I’ve been doing that particular prayer, I have become open to beginning to take responsibility for financial abundance in my life, which I have never done before. And I feel very supported and that’s another way that I’ve ended up you know, connecting with you.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: And so I feel like there’s a real opportunity also for people to know that m. In terms of financial abundance which, that energy, there’s a real like a changing of the guard that’s happening now and astrologically and also because Capricorn energy is like the old ways. It’s, it’s sticking to like this is how it should be done and we’re supposed to. And we get to let go now of the should supposed tos have twos and musts and we get to lean into the What would it be like to can like. For me I’ve, I became, have become curious about crypto and it’s mostly because I keep hearing astrologically that we With Pluto moving into Aquarius and Aquarius is the Internet, Aquarius is technology and Pluto is power. And the energy of wealth has been connected to feeling powerful. It’s now that energy is going to, I believe in the next 20 years going to be much more digitalized and much more like online. It’s not necessarily just crypto. It’s like I don’t know how much we’re going to be having actual physical cash in our hands. so I was like I’m going to learn about crypto and I’m studying again with someone that I’ve met in the realms. It’s called the Wealthy Woman’s Vault with Katya. ah. And so I feel really excited about that. There’s so much possibility that we haven’t had at our fingertips before.
>> Isha Vela: Hm. Yeah. Yeah. I feel I like the question of what would it be like too? And like creating from that place. Right. Versus you know, often versus creating from what we know. And when I think about our individual patterns, I think about. We often create in our relationships. We create relationship patterns that are based on our patterning in our relationship with our parents or. Right. Based on some sort of trauma protection, you know, trauma protection, navigation system or whatever. And
>> Isha Vela: And we often create from this is like this feel safe or I know this. Right. Because that’s what the nervous system is interested in doing. It’s interested in predictability, safety, security, keeping you alive. And. But when we answer, when we ask the question, what would it be like to. Then we can imagine, then we can dream. Right. Then we can be in the space of possibility, you know. And when you think about manifestational arts, you think about like the infinite realm of possibilities. Right. Like this quantum, the quantum field of possibility.
>> Natalie Levin: Right.
>> Isha Vela: And really thinking beyond what you know, imagining and dreaming beyond what you know. And for that you do have to con. You do have to have a connection, a thread to spirit, your guides. and just believe in yourself, as trite as that sounds. But to really have this like trust in ideas that come and be like that is something I’ve never seen before. And I’m going to go for it. I’m not going to wait till somebody else created creates it so that I feel like, oh, now I have permission to do it. But really giving yourself permission to move forward on things that you’ve never seen before, you’ve never, like it just hasn’t been done.
>> Natalie Levin: Right.
>> Isha Vela: And to really go move from that place.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes.
>> Isha Vela: Like, and that’s where the leadership comes in again of like leaders go first.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes.
>> Isha Vela: And Right. And the people who are like the sensitive, creative, spiritual folks who tend to be more on the shy side or who tend to be more like, you know, maybe have some insecurities around trusting themselves and you know, have these blockages around confidence. Maybe that that’s what we’ve been sort of like working on hardcore over the last couple of years to be able to then yes. Say yes to ourselves when we have those ideas, when we have those nudges, those intuitive like yes, do this.
>> Natalie Levin: I m love that. I was thinking today actually about the fact that, you know, people might be drawn to like, let’s say. Oh, I want. I love listening to Esha because she knows what she’s doing and she’s she’s an expert. And, I’m externalizing that gold that I actually have inside myself.
>> Isha Vela: Exactly.
>> Natalie Levin: And so can I remember that I actually, I have the gold as well.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: And how do I find that? And astrology again, when I’m working with clients, I get to remind like, oh my gosh, you’re so supported by this, by Venus in this house for you. Oh my goodness. Do you know that? Did you know this about yourself? No. Okay, well, let me remind you that you can talk to the planets and, you can go out there and your very frequency vibrates such and such. And you don’t even have to try simply by existing. You are this. And it feels, it can feel really, really helpful to people to know that and they can start to identify, oh, look at all that gold that I actually have inside.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: So I love what you said about that. That it’s like really inviting in the past few years people to recognize that that diamond inside of them that has been forged because the walls have been closing in on the coal for so many years. And that’s how the diamond is created.
>> Isha Vela: Exactly, exactly. Each one of us has. Like, you know, I was just thinking about this yesterday. Like, I have a unique perspective as sort of a gender fluid, you know, even culturally fluid person who didn’t grow up in the mainland United States. who grew up with a white mother and a brown father who was deeply colonized. you know, like all of those experiences, like just the ones I named, are so profound already informing my perspective on a particular issue. Right. Let alone, you know, spending being married 15 years with somebody who was mentally ill and who didn’t know it and I didn’t know it. Right. And how that all sort of resulted and how that shaped my experience of relationships and then having children and getting sick. All of those experiences make up this really, like, once in a lifetime drop of humanity. You know that that’s sort of what we’re like. Yes, talk about that. Share that. Share like whatever thing is happening. Like, talk about your thing from that perspective of those experiences. Because that is your wisdom. That is not like you can’t replicate that.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah.
>> Isha Vela: Because nobody else lived those experiences except you. And everybody experiences or perceives their, their experiences in a particular way.
>> Isha Vela: So it’s like that I was thinking about it yesterday of just like, yeah, like we often think what’s the right thing to say and, or, or how do I express this just your way? Like again, I, I, I. My last podcast episode was about that. But it just Came back to me again of this. Like, yeah, I, I get to, I get to share this because this is my perspective on it. This is how I see it. And I’m giving myself permission to show up this way because that’s just how I see it, period. You know, like no fucks given, no permission needed, you know? yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: And then how is it. Has it been a journey for you to become comfortable with the fact that some people may be very repelled by what you say?
>> Isha Vela: Yeah. Yeah. I feel like that’s trusting. My voice is huge. I feel like the self trust piece. I talk about it so much because it’s been, like my Achilles heel. really, like trusting that. That uniqueness about me or, or not assuming that other people know this already.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes. Oh my gosh. Yes. I really understand. Like, wait, oh, wait, you don’t actually know what I’m talking about? You’ve never heard of this? Let me tell you, like, as if, you know, you’re brand new. You’re. You’re in nursery school. Not to be, condescending. it’s like, oh my goodness. Because this is. Right. Because I’m an expert at this. Like, I. So. And, and so to really lean into that as well. I’m hearing that in what you’re sharing and that kind of. Because it’s your. My experience in. Through the veil of my experience in this lifetime. No one else has this.
>> Isha Vela: Yes. And we make it unspecial because we experienced it and we just kind of assume that like some other people experienced it too. And maybe they did. But when we talk about it. Right. That’s when we ping the ping into the collective.
>> Natalie Levin: Right.
>> Isha Vela: So to speak.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes. Yeah.
>> Isha Vela: Ah.
>> Natalie Levin: And then your people can hear your signal and find you.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah, yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: that’s. I’m trying to invite myself to lean into that more. and not try because one of my survival skills is to be extremely agreeable and pleasing to everybody.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: And it doesn’t work anymore.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah. And I think that’s so many of us. Right. Especially since we, we all want to be loved and cared for and belong. Right. Certainly. And so it makes sense that we all want to, you know, do right by others. but yeah, like, having people be mad at me is one of like my, like I can feel my just system freak out. It loses its.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes, yes.
>> Isha Vela: You know, and I eventually calm down. But yeah, that’s provokes a really big reaction in me. Like somebody being mad at me. I’m just like something I care about, obviously.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes.
>> Isha Vela: but yeah, it’s a pretty and even somebody that I don’t really care about. I actually feel that too, you know.
>> Natalie Levin: Me too. Me too. Like, it happened today. I was in a 12 step meeting and you’re supposed to have just your first name on your zoom. And I started sharing and, I hadn’t changed. Natalie Levin, Astrology and I noticed I was like. And I felt my armpits started sweating. I felt like prickly all over. And I, I used it as a moment to narrate what it was like to be in my skin. I said, oh my gosh, you guys. I didn’t change my name and I’m having a big shame response. And I’m going to narrate this in here so that I bring it into the light and the air and you know, and invite myself to remember that a big emotion is not necessarily an emergency. So it was really a helpful in the moment practice. Like, I made a mistake and I can bear it.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah, exactly. I’m holding this gently.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes, yes. Oh my gosh. So, you know, I think that can. Can people. I want to also allow in the fact that the next two years are really big, enormous astrological shifts. they’re continuing. So, what I’ve been inviting people to keep, in mind is can you stay soft and supple with your expectations about how things are supposed to go? M. Can you. also, I’ve been really getting skillful at saying I need help. I. I need help and can. And when I say that I am very, very my. The abundance of help that comes is, wow, like people want. I, think a lot of people really want to help and be of service and they want to know how. So when I’m able to be very specific, people are like, yes, may I do this for you? And I’m like, yes, you can help me to install the smoke alarms in the house that we’re trying to sell. Like, yes, thank you. It’s very concrete sometimes, or sometimes it’s, would you please send me prayers? And so it can be, again, as we’re moving into this really connected energy. And not only is Pluto moving into Aquarius for the next 20 years, but we’re also moving from the age of Pisces, which was like about a 2000 year cycle, into the age of Aquarius, which is the next sort of 2000 years.
>> Isha Vela: Oh my gosh, 2000. Ah, I didn’t realize that.
>> Natalie Levin: It’s a really long cycle. So the shift is from the Piscean energy can be. I’M a loner. I want to just be on a mountaintop and achieve enlightenment and not actually come and share it with anyone. I’m really happy by myself. And now as we move into the Age of Aquarius, it’s. Oh, you guys, listen, this is what I just discovered. Would you like to come try it with me so that we get to step into that as well? And I really enjoy people. I do like to have alone time and I enjoy people very much. And so because of that. And I want to also honor that people might be listening who are. Would identify as quite introverted and that this might not sound particularly exciting to them. The connectivity piece. And I understand that. And if you. I believe you chose to incarnate at this time knowing that you would get to experience Pluto in Aquarius and the Age of Aquarius. So maybe this is an interesting growth edge for you to expand your energetic container to be able to hold your own discomfort and do it anyway. The do it meaning. Hi, I’m going to say hello to you in the store. Yeah, people talk to me all the time in the stores and they’re like, I, just want to say hello to me. And I love, I’m like, hello. Or I’ll just be like, I love this green shirt you’re wearing. Like, why keep that inside? And people are like, what? Thank you. Like, you know, there’s so many opportunities to choose the highest octave of a vibration. Instead of me going into the store and being like, oh, my armpit. My armpits actually are very strongly smelling right now and like being like, no one wants to come near me. My armpits are smiling. And like, instead I’m like, hello, everybody. Like spreading the armpits thing. Like just people actually are. Want to say hello.
>> Isha Vela: Yes. Yes. I think that when you sort of like when you sort of like tap the, the crusty exterior of most people.
>> Natalie Levin: Totally. Yes.
>> Isha Vela: You want to connect. And I think, you know, when I was in my somatics program, you know, like, I feel like that is the lesson that we learned over and over and over again that underneath all of the defense patterns that we have, we don’t really actually want them to work.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes.
>> Isha Vela: You know, like, yes, we want them to work, but then we really kind of don’t.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah, right. We.
>> Isha Vela: What we really want is connection and we’re just afraid of getting rejected or, you know, like getting missed or whatever it happens to be. Right. Like being abandoned. And so, yeah, so we have them all up. But really we want the connection.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah. Yeah.
>> Isha Vela: So it’s kind of like when we know that going, you know, from the outset, we just make. We just make things a lot nicer for ourselves. Right. We just. Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: It reminds me of, Pema Chudron, the Tibetan Buddhist nun monk. She said. One of the things she said was like, she was. She was really. She was little and she was having a really hard time and like an elder walked by her and said, little girl, don’t let the world harden your heart. And that always is ringing through because it is, It’s. It is not particularly easy to be human right now on this planet.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: And can I still allow my heart to stay soft?
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: And sometimes the answer is no. You know, sometimes just for today, I’m not able to do that.
>> Isha Vela: Right. No, Natalie, that so resonates with me. I was thinking about that the other day as I was scrolling through. You know, I took a little social media hiatus, prior to the election and then came back on a couple days ago. And, I was feeling that because as I was scrolling, I could feel myself hardening and I was like, ah, nope, not gonna do it. And, I was reminded of. Of when, you know, my. My ex husband was coming at me in very aggressive ways and I would just feel this, like, tremendous rage and. And hatred and I would have to transmute that over and over and over again to come back to this place of love and. And to. To come back to the place where I could still love him. Because that was the truth. Yes, I was angry. That was also a truth. But that I had to come sort of like dig into the deeper layers of like, yes, I really do love you and you need to stay the. Away from me. But I do love you. And because I needed to preserve my integrity and my integrity. Was that love M. Right.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes.
>> Isha Vela: And so I think that that’s a huge spiritual task right now in sort of, an environment where we are being, I want to say that I want to use the word incentivized to divide totally. Right. That we have to kind of constantly, like, return to self, return to integrity and soften. Yeah. And soften into that peace around the neighborhood you talked about earlier.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah.
>> Isha Vela: You know, about like. Yeah, you’re. You know, we’re not the same, but there is a thread here between me. I can’t just fucking cut you off.
>> Natalie Levin: No. You know, I’ll be cutting off a part of myself.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah. Yeah. You know, and I say that, you know, being. Being clear that, you know, there’s. There’s people that I’VE separated from. Because I’m just like. Yeah, no, and I still love them. And I love them from a very distant distance.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes, me too.
>> Isha Vela: And I can still feel my love for them.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes.
>> Isha Vela: You know, I feel like that’s really important to say because it’s like. Yes. Like, you know, a lot of. There’s a lot of discussion right now and like, you know, I’m. I’m unfriending people on social media and I was like, yes, unfriend. Go ahead and unfriend. You don’t have to like be in connection with people that are not interested in your human rights or not, you know, like.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes.
>> Isha Vela: You don’t have to stay connected with them. You can still love them and disconnect.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes. Right.
>> Isha Vela: And I think that’s sort of like what people are like wrangling, with right now. Is this permission to kind of do kind of both. To like again live in. In those. Both those places.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah. It reminds me of the idea that I can have a boundary and block you everywhere and still wish you well.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: So I. And I. I have, you know, being in recovery from addiction, there are many beings that I cannot be in contact with.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: It’s. It would. It would be dangerous for me. Yeah, I believe so. and I know that I can wish that I wish them well. I wish them healing. It might not have happen in this lifetime. And that’s not my. And I don’t have to. I’m not in charge of them. That’s also helpful to remember. Like, with this time with the subject of power, being loud there can feel. It can come up for people. Like I, either a feeling of victimhood or being the bully with Pluto being really loud right now.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: So I try to notice for myself. Where am I falling into feeling victimized? Where am I bullying or like proselytizing to others? Because I think that I know exactly what’s right for them and can I.
>> Isha Vela: Guilty.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah. Right. I know. Same. So like that something that’s helpful for me with that is using the acronym Wait, why am I talking? That has been. I used it. I use it like I’m like, you know, even with my nine year old. Wait. Just be in silence, Natalie. And also pause, postpone action until serenity emerges. Wow. It’s really good. It’s really helpful. Like, okay, if I am feeling very hot and the the. There’s crackling energy moving through my whole being and my limbic system, this is not the time perhaps for me to have this Conversation. Can I allow there to be again, a pause, a sacred pause? Postpone action until serenity emerges?
>> Isha Vela: Yeah. That has been like, thank you for putting it in such a lovely acronym because you’ve just described my entire strategy of how I maintain relationships.
>> Natalie Levin: Oh, yes, that’s. It’s. Yes.
>> Isha Vela: I mean, because I. I run pretty hot. Like, I just kind of flare up and I’m like, I need to leave.
>> Natalie Levin: You have to give yourself a quiet. A quiet time.
>> Isha Vela: Give me 24 hours. I’ll be back.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes, that’s. Can be so helpful. And so, releasing of unintentional damage that. Or it might be intentional, but damage that. Afterwards, I’m like, oh, I didn’t mean to. To do that in this relationship. If I had waited, that might have been helpful.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Oh, my gosh, that’s so good. And what do you say, Natalie, in terms of, like, you mentioned crypto? you mentioned digitalization of currency. or maybe you hinted at it.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah.
>> Isha Vela: a lot of people say that it’s, you know, that it’s dangerous for currency to be digitalized because, you know, then. Then when we do have, like, powerful entities.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah.
>> Isha Vela: Ah, they can sort of giveth and taketh away, so to speak. Right. They can freeze assets or this and that. Right. so I have a sort of curiosity around. Around that a little bit.
>> Natalie Levin: Okay. Yes. Yes. So one of the things. One. Another thing about crypto. Crypto. Not crypto. Ah, Aquarius Energy is. It is, decentralized. So I don’t know what that looks like. It can be. First of all, there are. There is crypto that. Crypto that is decentralized. It is not regulated by the government. That is what I’m involved in.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: there’s also this idea, like, if I. I’ve been doing trades with some clients. Like, if you want to, you’ll come over and do bodywork for me. And then I would love to work with you for 75 minutes and someone else like, yeah, so we’re doing that. That can be more decentralized. It’s not. It’s not having to involve a third party.
>> Isha Vela: Right. Like, alternative economies.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes, yes. And again, I love that because Aquarius Energy is, for me, like, the weirdest energy of the zodiac. So that would fall. Alternative economies would fall into that. And I’m saying this, with love. I love it. Like, I love. I’m. I’m the most attracted to the strangest person, the strangest looking person in the room, which usually is me, but, like, I Would. But I’m like, oh, my people. Like, I go and find them. And so I want to. Yeah. And if so, I know that there are a lot of people who are financially having a lot of challenge right now. Can. What creative solutions could bubble up around, like, hey, how about I come over and watch your child for two hours? And then in exchange, you. You do that. You help me with my accounting. Like, let it. Can it be there. This time of being out of, the challenge of Pluto doing his work of, destruction comes and it can come. An incredible font of creative libido. So maybe the artwork becomes my life. My life being. I’m going to use my own. My, My amazing. All the things that I’ve learned to help other people that I don’t even know that I know. Like, like I’m here to help. If someone’s like, can you walk me through opening a decentralized wallet? a crypto. Yes. And then what? Let. Let’s do an energy exchange around that. Like what. You know, can you help me to, like, do something on social media? I don’t know. It can be. Get creative, if you can. And I also know that for people who are feeling. Some people might be feeling really, really tired right now because the Plutonian energy, it can feel like it’s never going to end. And we’re all collectively in a Pluto transit right now. So, if you’re able to rest more, I would give so many blessings to that. It’s okay to pause and breathe and sleep. And, being on social media in your bed is not actually rest, just FYI. FYI.
>> Isha Vela: Ah, yes. Thank you.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah. Is that helpful? Did I answer that question?
>> Isha Vela: Yeah, I think, I think just in terms of like. I think you answered the question in terms of like, what a decent. Like the decentralization piece around. Like, we’re going to find alternatives. And again, I say that we are going to like, like I’m, It’s coming out in a definitive way. I obviously don’t know that.
>> Natalie Levin: Right.
>> Isha Vela: But, just from my own intuition and from, you know, the astrological perspective, like, yeah, like we are creating alternative economies. And maybe there’s lots of different ways to do that. Not just exchanges, but there’s lots of different ways. And we’re going to create them. We’re just going to start creating them and Inventive.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes.
>> Isha Vela: yeah, so that feels really good. anybody who’s listening, I suggest also to read, Sacred Economics by Charles Eisenstein. That is a book that I have not yet gotten through all of the way, but has really informed so much of this, of my vision of the future and like even like the my minimalism, how I treat the things that I purchase and how I buy and how I treat the things that I buy. Yeah, all of that, it’s really affect. And how like even how I share the things that I buy, like how I use them and you know, that’s been a big deal for me. So. Yeah. Do you have any, any last words around like how people can sort of welcome or usher in this, this new era in terms of maybe their business or, just their relationship with money or economics in general?
>> Natalie Levin: well, what I want to invite you to know is that I would expect things to be a little bumpy in the next few years in terms of. And volatility in. I don’t even know what this means, but volatility in the markets because it’s, it’s just again with Pluto answering to Uranus. It can be unpredictable. However, the things in which you’re very supported are doing the things that you would never have thought you would have done. If you’re someone who feels really scared to be on camera, for social media, now would be the time for you to be very supported to get up and do it. Picture that you have the planet that is the maverick that follows no rules. Like, I just like dancing around with you. He like took my scarf off. He’s like, dun, dun, dun, dun. And he’s like, come on, let’s get up there. Let’s just be. Not just. I’m taking the word just out. Be. You trust that your signal, your Uranus is so unique, your unique signal that makes you you is going to draw the people to you. I started my YouTube channel with one subscriber, you know one. And I was like, okay, someone’s listening to me. And now I have over 1200. It’s really slow and gentle and. Or it’s not slow again. Uranus can be an overnight boom. Suddenly you have a bunch of people following you or you come up with something that no one has thought of before. And they’re like, I really need that. Yes. the invitation to be completely and utterly yourself without trying to fit into anyone’s box or system or structure is another part of how supported you are in with. With all of the Aquarian energy that we’re dancing into. There’s no one if, if something is status quo that’s dying away and it’s really okay. What if you have been thinking I really want to shave my head. Now’s the time to do it.
>> Isha Vela: Like, I have been thinking about that.
>> Natalie Levin: Oh my gosh. Okay. That must be your guides and angels. Yes. I mean it. I have done it. It’s so freeing. It is so.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah. I did it a long time ago after I dyed my hair red and it turned out a disaster. Now it just needs to leave now.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah.
>> Isha Vela: But I. I definitely thinking of doing like some sort of like Mohawk with the curls on top. Something. Something. I don’t know.
>> Natalie Levin: Yes. I mean now just keep in mind how supported you are listeners in general with Uranus is the planet of freedom.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah. Yes. Thank you. That’s it. Freedom. yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s. That’s exactly. That’s like, let’s end here. Because that, it really is like whatever, like liberatory, whatever for you. Feels liberatory. That’s what you need to do.
>> Natalie Levin: I love it.
>> Isha Vela: Right.
>> Natalie Levin: Yeah.
>> Isha Vela: Whether it’s start a business, whether it is sell a business, whether. Right. Like whatever your version of that is. And at any given moment or at any point in time, that’s what we. That’s what you say yes to. Is whatever feels most liberated.
>> Natalie Levin: Beautiful. I love it. Yes.
>> Isha Vela: Oh.
>> Natalie Levin: Oh, wow. It’s so easy to talk to you. It’s. I feel like we meet on so many different, different levels. It’s really great.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah.
>> Natalie Levin: Treat. This is our first time talking live, everybody, so.
>> Isha Vela: Yeah. Really, we were just. Yeah. We’ve just been messaging each other and not even for very long. So this was. Yeah, this is a huge treat and I hope that you know, you know, listening, you enjoyed it and there’ll be definitely more to come. More, more deep talks and in sort of like the kind of information that just gets missed. with most. I think most channels of information out there is like the nuance, the complexity. Right. The deeper pieces here. So thank you, Natalie.
>> Natalie Levin: My pleasure. Yeah.
>> Isha Vela: Thank you for listening to today’s episode. Remember to hit the subscribe button to get notified of new episodes dropping on the new and full moons of each month. And if you haven’t already, leave us a five star review on itunes to make sure that everyone who needs this transmission receives it until the next episode. I’m sending you fierce, fierce love.